Hi, I'm Michael Mitschke, and I’m passionate about bringing people together.

#transformationManager #agileCoach
#scrumMaster #teamDeveloper
#systemicCoach #changeFacilitator
Experienced Transformation Manager & Agile Coach with a focus on sustainable development of high-performing environments that live up to their name.#change #transformation #facilitation #innovationDriven #scienceDriven #artOfCommunication
#personalGrowth #designThinking #OKR #kanban

Safe 6 Advanced Scrum Master Certification
Safe Advanced Scrum Master Certification
Certified OKR Master
Professional Product Owner www.scrum.org
Professional Scrum Master www.scrum.org
Rethinking Teams Certification by Stanford University
Zertifizierter Systemischer Business Coach
NeuroScience for high Performance Cultures

Helping teams unlocking their full potential by combining proven agile methodologies with my expertise in team development and neuroscience.

Teams to Thrive